Encouraging Student Independence
Encouraging Student Independence
Coeur d’Alene Montessori is offering a high-quality education for children 2 years to 5 years old. A Montessori environment encourages children to reach higher levels of scholastic attainment than many other methods. My role as a Montessori Directress is to model purposeful activity based upon the child’s readiness. Montessori students develop their knowledge through hands-on learning with didactic materials designed specifically for independent learning. Montessori students are allowed freedom for exploration and creativity, thus encouraging emotional and cognitive growth, and an independence within the classroom. Encouraging student independence and responsibility increases academic motivation.
When students are actively engaged in a Montessori environment there is an increase in their understanding of the learning process and their social interactions. In addition, fostering student independence teaches children to be responsible members of a caring community and a respect for themselves and the academic materials.
What makes Coeur d’Alene Montessori different than other daycare methods? There are five major academic areas in the Montessori classroom consisting of Practical Life, Sensorial, Mathematics, Language, and Culture.
The exercises in Practical Life develop control and coordination of movement and encourage independent work habits and responsibility. Sensorial apparatus allows children to classify size, shape, color, touch, and sound by organization and order. Montessori Mathematics is an indirect preparation for performing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Language in Montessori encourages a child to expand and enrich their language through prewriting, writing, and reading experiences. Culture is developed in a Montessori classroom through experiences in Geography, Science, Art, and Music. The Montessori Method encourages growth by building self-esteem within the child.
True learning requires children to be actively engaged with academic materials that are relevant and meaningful to the learning process. Together, our team at Coeur d’Alene Montessori will prepare the children of Idaho for their experiences in future education.
Dianne Beckemeier / Montessori Directress and Owner
Learn how a Montessori environment is different than other methods. Please call in advance to schedule a tour.
1583 West Dalton Avenue, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815, United States
Open today | 08:00 am – 04:00 pm |
cda montessori